A Coug Production...

A Coug Production...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Must see TV shows.

It doesn't take much to get hooked on a really good television show but some shows are just a giant step ahead of others.  I have unfortunately endulged entirely too much time watching shows that just dont compare to the really good ones out there.  Bellow is a list of shows that are a must see and explanations why.  If you have the time to watch any of these you will not regret it.

Currently this loveable show is in its fourth season and each season seems to get better and better.  The show is filled to the brim with drama and comedy alike.  It is about an extremely talented writer Hank Moody, played by David Duchovny, who has zero control over his actions which leads him into a downward struggle with his ex-girlfriend and daughter.  Duchovny's character is the type of guy that can't seem to resist temptations, manly woman and vice versa.  His uncanny charm and wit get him into some of the most fucked up situations only to further envite the audience into a thrilling ride that just keeps you rooting for redemption.  After watching only a few episodes I was completely hooked.  This show can pertain to both male and female viewers.  If you and your girlfriend or wife are looking for a new show to spice up your viewing pleasure than this would be a great fix.  Seasons one through three are out on DVD right now and season four is currently on air.  I have come to find that some of the best shows are those not on basic cable.  Showtime is the host of this fun filled dramedy series written by Tom Kapinos, who also created the show Dawsons Creek, though this series blows the skirt off that teenage drama.  Do yourself a favor and check it out.

This show suprised the hell out of me in that it gave off a somewhat boring and uneventful appeal.  As yoda may put it, "Wrong was I."  The main character Walter White, played by Bryan Cranston, brings fourth a powerful performance of sheer brilliance.  You might no him from the hit show, Malcolm in the Middle, where he played the father to young Malcolm and his brothers.  In Breaking Bad, he plays a Chemistry teacher, who faces the ultimate cross road in life when he finds out he has lung cancer.  He is an unassuming husband and father to a special needs adolescent, with another child on the way.  Faced with his impending death, he tries desperately to figure out a way to leave his family a legacy by using what he knows best, chemistry.  The show kind of puts a Quentin Tarantino twist to the way they invite the audience in on each episode with showcasing the end result first.  His brother in law has somewhat of an influence on what Walter does to finance his future for his family.  Being a DEA agent, he unknowingly lends White the idea of creating a new strain of the purest form of meth.  What ensues next is a ride the audience will be coming back for again and again.  This series is already in its fourth season and the first three seasons are out on DVD.  I would recommend this show for both male and female viewers.

Dexter is about a forensic specialist, Dexter Morgan, (played by Michael C. Hall) who lives two very different lives.  On the one hand he comes off as a geeky none assuming individual who is very boring and precise with his life style, but on the flip side the audience soon finds out this is all a cover for what is looming inside, a serial killer.  Unlike most serial killers, Dexter only kills people who truly deserve it by their criminal actions and intentions.  The show really takes you in and around the mind of Dexter Morgan, how he came to be the way he is and why he follows a certain moral code of conduct.  You can currently catch Season five on Showtime and the other four seasons are available on DVD.  This show is highly entertaining, it really brings the audience to new levels of what is percieved as right or wrong.  You can't help to roote for Dexter and the entire cast and crew provide a nice compliment to one of the best dipictions of a serial killer I have ever witnessed.  Michael C. Hall truly was made for this role.  The way he has to pretend to be normal at all times is fun to watch.  Dexter is a person with no emotion, zero contempt for his actions and he doesnt feel remorse so it is a treat to follow him through his battle for inner peace.  This show in my opinion is geared more toward men due to the violent nature of things but women could easily fall head over heels in love with this show. 

Monday, January 31, 2011

The beginning of the end...

I was 14 when I had my first taste of alcohol.  This took place at my childhood home where my older sister decided to throw the first of many to come parties.  It was spring break and our parents went on a week vacation.  My friend Rich, aka tricky Dicky and I decided to grow some hair on our chests and dabble in on some tasty treats, ok so Jimmy Bean isn't the ideal choice for your first shot but we had no choice.  It was peer pressure in its purest form.  Pulling from that pint of pure life altering liquid I knew my life had been forever changed and ever-since that day I was hooked.  I have a good group of friends and growing up through the years with them has been a trip.  I remember we stirred up trouble, trying to find any excuse necessary to get wasted and have good times.  However, over the years the sad part is I have forgotten a great deal of those fun times, thanks in large part of the notorious mind altering effects of alcohol.

One such time I will never forget though is the time we decided to incorporate a game of twister.  This took place around 1998 at my parents home in Nine Mile Falls.  Instead of crashing my sisters' party like usual, we decided to have our own gathering.  Being young and courageous my friends and I went out to do what all kids our age were most likely doing on a random Saturday night, cruising Division street looking for ladies.  My good friend Blake was our lead bull.  He had the magic swag with the ladies.  With his guidance we could do no wrong.  Sure enough we head out and in no time brought home a couple of breezes.  We bring them back to house and do what any respectable 17 year old would do with an empty house, women and lots of booze, get sch-wasted and play some drinking games.  Rather than playing your normal games, such as beer pong or kings cup, Rich decides to get creative.  He pulls out Twister, an odd choice we think but we go with it.  Later brilliance strikes and naked Twister began.  After a short while clothes were coming off and my boy Rich was leading the pack.  He and the most attractive vixen there began spinning the wheel.  Next thing you know sexual friction ensued.  At this point we were shit faced so anything and everything was about to happen.  Body parts were forging together like tetras pieces on a game boy, you could smell the aroma of what was to come next.  The hot one, Ashley I believe was her name, was all about tricky Dicky so I went for the second place prize, name not important.  The following conversation followed:
Rich:  "I just want to get my dick sucked bro."
Omar:  "Really, well I want me some sex."

Rich being a virgin, didn't forsee himself losing his v card at a drunken twister party.  But sure enough, like most of my friends have done in the past, when liquor is involved, he lost it in my sisters bed.  And the funny thing is I got me some really good head from the runner up, name still not important.  Looking back switching girls would have met both our needs to perfection.  Sometimes things just work out for the best.  Little did we know this was the beginning of what later will be the Bang Bro era.